purpose of operation meaning in Chinese
- Compared with gatt , wto had greatly improved the dispute settlement mechanism . first , for the purpose of operation of dsm , it clearly declared the basic procedure of retaliation : 1 . consultation procedure , when one party do n ' t implement the recommendations or the rulings , the relative party can consult with it about the compensation ; 2 . the winning party apply for retaliation ; 3 . the losing party can object the application for retaliation ; 4 . the arbitration procedure of the dispution ; 5 . entitlement of retaliation ; 6 . under the surveillance of dsb the winning party bring retaliation into effect ; 6 . the end of the retaliation : second , the regulations had been essentially adjusted : 1 . with the use of negative consensus , the entitlement of retalia tion can be automatically adopted ; 2
与gatt相比, wto对报复制度作了较大幅度的改进,首先表现在为了使报复更具有可操作性,对报复的基本程序作出了明确规定:谈判,当败诉方未及时履行裁决时,有关当事方应就达成一项补偿进行谈判;如果谈判破裂,胜诉方可向dsb提出报复申请;败诉方对胜诉方的报复申请提出异议;对异议事项进行仲裁;由dsb作出报复授权决定;在dsb的监控之下实施报复;报复终止。